28 - Lineage
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Episode Description

Our rewatch rebounds this week as Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum review Season 2 Episode 7: LINEAGE. Not only do we get to review a beautifully written and directed episode of Smallville, but we’re also joined by two very important people to the show. First - it’s been a long time coming, but Annette O’Toole finally joins us! She shares everything about her experience as Martha Kent, questions she had about Clark as a mother of small children at the time, and how she prevented the Kent farm from going up in a blaze. We also bug creator Al Gough about the difference in age between Clark and Lex, how the next couple episodes really picked up after the Redux dud, and why Lineage stood out amongst others. Not only that, but Tom remembers his enjoyment for the adoption storyline scenes and Michael talks about how we really see the conniving and treacherous side of Lionel Luthor start to emerge in this episode.

Rose & Bomb Score

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2.1 Roses

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